
Design for desirable futures @ IxDA Lausanne

My comrade Thomas Di Luccio and I had the honour of being invited by IxDA’s local chapter in Lausanne to give our talk about design, the Anthropocene and how can we designers work towards desirable futures.


Techologie Podcast: Common Future(s)

Richard Hanna, host of the Techologie podcast, interviewed my colleague Thomas di Luccio and me to talk about design, technology and ethics. Listen to the podcast (in French)


Interview: “Gone Digital” podcast

I was invited by Alice Bertran, host of the Gone Digital podcast to chat with her about various topics, from our relationship to Lyon to the Anthropocene, ethical tech and so on. In French!


📹 “Design” track @ Blend Web Mix 2018

Fellow designer and friend Fabrice Liut and I worked with the Blend Web Mix team to create a dedicated “design” track for the 2018 edition. We crafted a gender balanced programme that covered many aspects of digital design, from illustrated visual identities to digital accessibility. The whole track featured:


Twitter to Mastodon

As I am on my way of migrating from Twitter to Mastodon, I have put together a few useful resources for people who are thinking about making the big jump or having troubles getting their head around Mastodon. A few basics Twitter and Mastodon are built around different metaphors. At first, it can be a […]


Redesign in the open S01E02

Knock knock… Anybody home? Already four months passed since I started writing about this website’s redesign. No one can praise my diligence. Let me tell you, it’s for the best. Sometimes, ideas need time so we can grasp all their depth. Let’s go cave diving once more… During these 4 months, I have clearly let ideas […]


Collapse: an awakening

“What’s this book? “How can everything collapse?” (FR)? Isn’t it a bit… morbid?” How creative the human psyche can be when facing the possibility and proximity of the end of our world. My awakening to the story of our world’s possible collapse is still very young but I have already been confronted with a wide array of […]


> Common Future(s)

En juillet 2018, mon confrère Thomas di Luccio et moi avons décidé de créer un lieu philosophique et parfois physique pour évoquer les enjeux de l’Anthropocène et ce qu’ils ont comme conséquences bien concrètes sur nous les designers et notre pratique. > Common Future(s) a plusieurs ambitions : proposer de nouveaux outils, points de vue et espaces […]


Design for an unknown future


Fundamental Workshop: Niels Rodin

Hand in hand with Sara Thom, artistic director, we have supported Niels Rodin in the formalisation of his philosophie, which is as important and delicate than the rare citruses he lovingly cultivates. Niels Rodin is a passionate man. It takes just a few minutes of conversation with him to hear more about limes than in several […]