
Transcript of Tony Fry’s talk : “Economy & design, a redirective practice”

I’m going to introduce the concept of redirective practice, but in order to do this, I’m going to talk about design briefly in a fundamental way and put that into context with economy. So, some of the ways I understand things may be different from the ways you understand them, so first of all, I’ve […]


Design intervention spectrum

My humble personal research about design drove me to formalise the following chart. More to come soon!


Finding a new soil for design

Design school years seem so long ago now. 2002, 2003, 2004… The iPhone was not born yet, we still worked on slow Power PCs at school and the iMac was barely born. One of my study projects was the creation of a full “interactive CD-ROM” about Jacques Tati. Fifteen years have passed and the human […]


Twitter to Mastodon

As I am on my way of migrating from Twitter to Mastodon, I have put together a few useful resources for people who are thinking about making the big jump or having troubles getting their head around Mastodon. A few basics Twitter and Mastodon are built around different metaphors. At first, it can be a […]


Redesign in the open S01E02

Knock knock… Anybody home? Already four months passed since I started writing about this website’s redesign. No one can praise my diligence. Let me tell you, it’s for the best. Sometimes, ideas need time so we can grasp all their depth. Let’s go cave diving once more… During these 4 months, I have clearly let ideas […]


Collapse: an awakening

“What’s this book? “How can everything collapse?” (FR)? Isn’t it a bit… morbid?” How creative the human psyche can be when facing the possibility and proximity of the end of our world. My awakening to the story of our world’s possible collapse is still very young but I have already been confronted with a wide array of […]


Redesign in the open S01E01

This first episode of the “Redesign in the open” of my portfolio and services was introduced in March by a first post and covers the initial exploration part I started my own “design of the self” process in December 2015 through a talk given at an IxDA Lyon meetup. Through the definition of an “objective / purpose”, I […]


Re-design in the open

2018 will mark the second year of my journey into freelancing. A lot has changed in the way I practice design, as much as in the industry itself. Recently, I have looked at my website and seen the mismatch between the voice of my past self and the person I now know myself to be. […]


Listen, understand and act: how to help someone burning out

Tips on how to become a supporter, from the other side of the burnout mirror. First published in French in Nov 2017. Note from the author: this piece has been pulished today before proof-reading. Forgive the mistakes you’ll spot along the way! 😉 Burnout and I are now long-time buddies. It hit me twice, in 2013 and […]


Let’s rethink the way we work! #FR