
🎥 Designers Éthiques & EBD2020

Designers Éthiques is a non-profit association born in Lyon a few years ago. Its aim is to offer a space to foster discussions around design, ethics and the designer’s responsibility. Year after year, the topics tackled by the association kept on attracting my attention. By end 2019, the team approached me and I gladly became a member. Together, we started preparing the 2020 edition of their annual event Ethics By Design.

I joined my colleagues Mellie LaRoque, Dominique Karadjian, Nicolas Borri, Raphaël Yharrassarry & Karl Pineau and together we crafted a program for the event, initially planned IRL (in real life) in Lille. The sprouting public health crisis had us reconsider these initial conditions and we decided to pivot to a fully online event.

If I had to pick only one talk from this amazing conference, it would be Tony Fry’s “Economy and design, a redirection practice”: